Me, Brian, Ed, Jimmy, Josh, Slyvia and Jilly taken a part-time banqueting job at Seremban.
It was the state's king punya 86th birthday. Transport and meals provided, offered at a fixed pay of RM120..
We were to meet at Stamford College KL for the bus which took us the Kg. Bilah, Seremban. The trip was 2hours through ulu kampung areas, fruit orchards, farms and then Poop! an Istana appear out from the uluness.
N more walking zzzzz
The front of the palace
Display only. Palsu punya
We waited till like 2pm for the briefing to start. Explaining the SOPs n all. Our task was easy. 5 course menu, western set, each of us has to serve 4 guests. And the briefing continued till evening...
We weren't allowed to take photos while work. So this was all that i cud snap..
Finish bout 12am..Took the bus back to KL and by the time we reached home it was nearly 4am..