Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ordinarie [)ey

Like all normal college days, i'll be there at 8a.m. But since our first class (French) starts at 9a.m, i headed to the com lab 2 do lil frenster update with choo n nat. We went to class 1/2hour early. So with the 30mins of free time, we did some camwhore :

The end, our two hours french class turns out to be two frezzing hours shiiivveeering.
On the bright side, i was able to go back at 2..Too late to join any sports carnival's running events, i went basketballing instead...Think it was 4;30, we end up sunbath under the hot sun same time playing basketball.. After that we went Mcd for air cond..After that we went to a playgound, sit some swing, seasaw, and camwhore again hehe...

Well thats bout all, the rest of the day is jus com, study and makan aje..