Believe it or not this is the first time i'm studying for finals. After 7days of study break, i chose to study on the very last day. Well, i didn't exactly wanted to but there was a study group at Loh's place so i thought "why not?".
The study group consists of me, Loh and An Ying. Ed was there but he prefer to study alone. Studied subject: Marketing.We studied with our most comfortable positions: Loh, with his pillow. An ying, next to the curtains and Me, lying down/sitting against the wall. We invited Brian as well but as it was his birthday, i suppose he'll choose to have fun rather than studying and watch FamilyGuy videos with us. Right? o Btw..
Wish we could do more to celebrate, maybe cyber or a full court of basketball lol..
Another great news is that my aunt from London is here...
12 hours plane trip from London to KLIA + 1 hour car journey for dinner = extreme exhaustion. Right now, she'll be in my sis room either fall asleep due to time diffrence or still awake and chatting away with my mom.
Right.... i think i'll stop here n study? nope...maybe playstation yeah thats better..Tchaos
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