Monday, August 20, 2007

KS is Killin Spree

After 2hours of lecture, me, brian, ed n loh went blitzone round 10;30. Over there, we did like 2rounds of Dota b4 Loh left for class and had another 2 b4 lunch. My old Syllabear stomped 'nearly' everything, Luna rox as always, and Banehollow was awesome with 3 hyperstones. We had lunch at the corner hawker place where all 3 had chicken chop which is far more better than the ones in college. After that, we went back for Dota again at Netmaster, where I tried Storm Spirit, spammed Death Prophet and wasted time with Chen and Leshrac.
Bout 5 o'clock, i called a quit, my eyes were tired and i needed a shower. So went back and meet up a neighbourhood fren. Over there,got the offline CS game and installed it straight away in my com. Now i can train up my nooby CS skills at home muahaha....jus u wait fellas... i'll snipe u guys off one by one specially u brian....sharing is foot!